Financial news is important to anyone who has an interest in stock markets, personal finances or investment management. It can help you make better decisions and avoid risky investments, as well as give you a better understanding of how the financial markets work.
The best way to keep up with financial news is to subscribe to a good newsletter or news app. These apps and services will deliver the latest market headlines, analysis and tips to you in an easy-to-read format.
Morning Brew (free)
Founded in 2015 by Alex Lieberman and Austin Rief, Morning Brew is an email newsletter that aims to deliver “the 3-minute newsletter with fresh takes on the financial news you need to start your day.” This free newsletter has a light-hearted tone and is a great option for those who are looking for a more casual approach to business and investing news.
Robinhood Snacks (free)
As the communication arm of brokerage firm Robinhood, this free app brings a startup ethos and wit to quick business news summaries. The app’s lighthearted tone and focus on tech news makes it a good choice for those who want to learn more about the startup world and their impact on the economy.
Seeking Alpha (free or paid)
This is one of the best apps for stock news alerts on the market. It offers in-depth research and a range of stock-picking advice from professionals associated with its parent company, which has been around since 1997.
TheStreet (free)
Previously known as Businessweek, this magazine and news service is a good source for in-depth business and financial news . It also has an excellent online resource section where you can learn about investing, finance and other topics related to the business world.
The Financial Times (free)
The FT is a newspaper that covers the international economy and finance. It also publishes business news from various countries worldwide and offers insight into global economic policy.
Financial news is a great way to stay on top of your finances, but it can be a little confusing for those who are new to the field. If you’re considering a career in the financial sector, it’s a good idea to take finance courses or major in the subject at college. This will allow you to understand the complexities of financial news and improve your chances of getting a job as a financial writer later on in your career.
Clark Howard (free)
Consumer advocate and personal finance expert Clark Howard built his brand around helping people save money. He also has a daily financial blog and a podcast. He also has a financial advice column that is published in newspapers across the country.
Jill on Money (free)
While many of the other newsletters on this list are aimed at entrepreneurs and those interested in the latest business news, this one is a little more focused on personal finance. The newsletter features daily news summaries and an extensive personal finance section with tips on budgeting, investing and saving money.