Kitchen hood cleaning is an important process to maintain the health and safety of your cooking facility. A clogged hood can create a fire hazard and can cause poor air flow that can affect the quality of the food that is being prepared. In order to prevent these disasters from occurring, it is important that you schedule regular hood cleaning.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) outlines the minimum standards for cleaning commercial kitchen hoods. This standard includes the use of degreasers, hot water power washing, and steam cleaners. These methods help to remove grease from the interior surfaces of your kitchen.
The NFPA 96 Standard also requires the proper inspection of your exhaust system. During the inspection, technicians will be able to detect anomalies that could make it harder for your kitchen to function properly. They will then be able to ensure that your restaurant meets all applicable safety regulations.
Having a hood cleaned regularly can protect your employees and patrons from accidents. A dirty hood can also impede air flow, which can lead to poor food quality and discomfort for your workers. Using a professional service can eliminate these issues. Keeping your kitchen hood and ductwork clean can save you time and money.
A professional service will also be able to inspect your hood fans. They may need to be replaced or tuned up. If you are using a wall mount fan, it is important to have them inspected as well. Cleaning the fan blades is also a critical part of your hood cleaning.
In addition to your hoods, you may also have fans and ductwork leading to the roof of your building. These areas are often not included in a hood cleaning service. However, if you do have duct work leading up to the roof, your service can help you to keep it clean.
A clean hood will prevent the spread of contaminated food to your customers. Proper maintenance and inspection of your kitchen hood and ductwork will also allow you to reduce the risk of a fire affecting your business. Your hood cleaning company will be able to give you a free estimate for your kitchen.
Hood cleaning is a job that requires good organization, writing skills, and a valid driver’s license. It can take between three and four hours to complete a standard hood cleaning. Some companies require a drug screening and criminal background check, as well.
Depending on the size of your kitchen, you can expect to pay a small fee for your hood cleaning services. These services typically include power washing and cleaning theĀ Hood Cleaning ductwork. You can choose to have your hood cleaned on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Typically, these cleaning services can be scheduled any day of the week.
When you have your kitchen hood cleaned, your ductwork will be disinfected and sanitized. A professional service will also wipe down the vents and walls, as well as polish the surface of your backsplash.